Friday, April 23, 2010

A box for a sewing emergency kit

I think it's a good idea using the Shimmerz produtcs for the detail of our creations.

I used an old box to turn it into a sewing emergency kit.

First, I colored the inner of the box with burgundy acrylic and then I used Penny Pincher Vibez with a brush. I covered the box with a red and white colth.

On the white cloth in the center I brushed Angel Wing Shimmerz.

Angel Wing Shimmerz, Snow Storm Vibez and Babys Breath Shimmerz Spritz are very brigt and they can give a new aspect to thecolors: they will sparkle!

Have a great day with creativity!



Anonymous said...

Very cute project. :)

Stacy Cohen said...

This is adorable! I think I need one of these. ;-)

Gio said...

This little box is delicious, love the colors and the beautiful fabric!

Stac said...

So adorable. Love that bold splash of red!!!