Friday, February 16, 2024

XOXO | February Color Kitz | Brandy Vaughn

 Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! We celebrated last weekend with a Valentine-themed birthday party for my grandaughter's 5th birthday! This was just the sweetest photo of her and her friend, and the February kit complements it perfectly! 

I decided I wanted this one to be 8.5x11. I knew I wanted the black plaid paper to be a big part of the layout because I love it so much! So I cut out a piece that measures 8x4.5 and placed it prominently across the top of my white cardstock. I then added a pink strip that I cut into a fringe with my herb scissors. At this point, I decided to machine stitch down the center of the black stripes. 

Then I painted this banner with Spritz - Happy Hour and Creameez - 1 Hot Mama

Next, I added some Coloringz - A Bright Fuschia to my page, then fussy cut the large X's and O's from one of the patterned papers to use as the title. 

After adding my embellishments, I finished the page off with splatters and journaling. 

I hope you enjoy this layout. You can check out my process video here: 

Don't forget to add my name, BRANDY VAUGHN, to your next order and you will receive a free paint!


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