Thursday, July 25, 2019

Two-rific with Samantha Robles

Howdy everyone, and happy Thursday! You're so so close to the weekend. We as crafters know that we can get in terrible creative funks every once in a while. This was that week for me. I just felt super unmotivated even thought my paints were SCREAMING at me from across the room "Play with us!" The motivation finally kicked in yesterday and I'm so glad it did.

 Let me start off the project by saying this: I had an interview with my 2 year old, Oakley. Did you know that Oakley is actually the inspiration behind "Oakie Bear Blue" and "Oakie Dokie"?  Surprise! Now you do! Fun fact for the day. I sat down and asked some hard hitting questions. If anyone of you have had or currently have a 2 year old, you know just getting them to sit still and answer questions is hard as heck sometimes. We got down the bottom of every question and it became the inspiration of this layout!

My sweet boy, Oakley, turned 2 in February. When Paige Evans made these number cut files, a lightbulb went off immediately. Why not document age 2 and all it's unique quirks. I ran to grab the nearest sheet of white cardstock and got to work! I haven't had a real chance to use "A Chance of Rain" Spritz. I color combo-ed it with "Well Blue Me Down" Coloringz and magic happened.

Start off by taking some good ole gesso and place at the bottom of the page. Next, lightly spray one color, then dry, then spray with some water, dry and repeat these steps to get even more of an intense hue from any Shimmerz Paints color. I left my page overnight to really dry and let the colors just melt into each other even deeper.
The next morning was the simple work. I glued my cut file down to the painted portion of the page, then started added my embellishments from past Pink Paislee collections to create a blooming effect. I also got the chance to break out my new "Indigo and Ivy" stickers from Pink Paislee as well. I'm IN LOVE with that collection. Major heart eyes. I struggled HARD with embellishments because I mean... this face is such an embellishment already <3

So after, I added in Oakley's questions with some thread and a cute little Shimmerz Dotz for the finally hurray!

Thanks for stopping by today! Time to recover from that interview with a snack and a sippy cup ;)


1 comment:

Melissa Larson said...

beautiful page, adorable photo, gorgeous blues!