Monday, August 10, 2009

Shimmerz and white Prima flowers . . . a perfect match!!

Just a little share for the day . . .

One of my favorite ways to use Shimmerz Spritz is to spray it on white Prima flowers. This allows me to dye the flowers any color I want. When I saw Prima's newest releases -- beautiful white flowers with lots of petals and dimension -- I snapped up several packages. I had no intention of leaving them white. Nooooooooooo way! I had visions of all the beautiful colors of flowers I could create with my Spritz and Shimmerz paints. Here are the white Prima flowers 'before' and 'after':

I first sprayed the flower with Sea Foam Spritz. Then I dipped the edges of the petals in the excess spray (I always place my flower on wax paper or a plastic bag so that the excess Spritz doesn't get absorbed). Finally, I painted the edges of the petals with Tickle-Me-Turquoise Shimmerz paint for a little extra sparkle and contrast. What I love about Spritz and Shimmerz paints is that the colors are so vibrant, yet they are not too overpowering. It's just the perfect amount of color and shimmer!


Angela W said...

Awesome flower! I have used Shimmerz and the Spritz on many flowers, love it!

Linda . J said...

Wow Beautiful flowers and I must invest in some Shimmerz.
Higs Linda

TanishaRenee said...

don't you just love all of the cool things you can do with shimmerz and white items?

Jennifer Scull said...

holy toledo batman, these are amazing!!!!! thanks for the great idea!!! I have painted my primas but never sprayed them..... just goofy of me I guess. ;)

Audrey said...

absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

BitchA.Lgl© said...

this page is very nice!
where do you find these Prima flowers?